Location: Ewaso Nyiro River Camp, Mpala Wildlife Conservancy, Laikipia Valley
We headed up to the MRC for Andy Hoffman's lecture. It was very interesting but very business- and profit-centered which caused a variety of reactions from the group. He had a lot of good quotes in his slides and I really liked that.
Logistics have finally been figured out for the last half of the trip: it appears that the undergrads will be broken up into groups: one will be social/interview work with W, rangeland monitoring with K, and sustainability challenges with the master's students. K had the actual lists though and she's still talking to the profs at the ranch house (she's even missed dinner) so I don't know which group I'm in.
I asked W about my dog project idea and he admitted that he didn't know how ti might be received. He did say that he thought the project might be too complicated and specific for this trip but it may be something to consider for the future. I think I can hold on to that.
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